Where To Ride In & Around Stratford

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Where To Ride In & Around Stratford

We are often asked by cyclists that come to our city & rent our bikes or bring their own, 'Where do we ride our bikes?'

Depending what kind of riding you are looking to do, here are a few suggestions of where to ride in the area.


Places To Ride Links



In & around Stratford:  https://visitstratford.ca/cycling-in-and-around-stratford/

Cycle Stratford: https://www.cyclestratford.com/



Ontario Bike Trails:  https://ontariobiketrails.com/cat/bike-trails/

Ontario By Bike: https://www.ontariobybike.ca/


Rail Trail:

G2G Rail Trail:  http://g2grailtrail.com/

Cambridge to Paris: https://www.grandriver.ca/en/outdoor-recreation/Cambridge-to-Paris-Rail-Trail.aspx

Cataract Trail: https://www.grandriver.ca/en/outdoor-recreation/Elora-Cataract-Trailway.aspx


Mountain Bike:

Hydocut:  https://www.thehydrocut.ca/

The Pines Woodstock: https://woodstockcyclingclub.ca/trail-forks-map/

Wildwood: https://www.wildwoodconservationarea.ca/trails

Fanshaw Lake: https://www.fanshaweconservationarea.ca/_files/ugd/0174ee_e5995c286c344eec81d7b664c8083410.pdf